This game was made for the Lost Relic Games - GAME JAM


We recommend you play on Windows with 1920 x 1080 in Fullscreen for the best gameplay. other OSResolution,  and Screen Fit Modes can cause problems with UI in game. Thank you

Made by iArctic and lewdev

In Soulmates you take control of a couple of lovers in a dungeon separated by treacherous traps and perplexing puzzles with the goal of reconnecting  these soulmates so they can be one again. Will you be able to reunite these  lovers or will you leave them lost souls.

Choose your path

Soulmates doesn't just have one love story it has two. Select the story that you want, each story has a different set of levels, mechanics and characters. SO you get to explore two different stories in any order that you please.

Controls and Mechanics

General Controls:

ENTER - Switch Between Characters

WASD -Walking


P - Pause

R - Retry Level

Lew - Don't let heavy blocks get in your way. His strength will push them with ease.

Dani - Light footed double click SPACE to double jump and cross large gaps

Connor - Fast and agile press LSHIFT to dash through obstacles or to get somewhere fast

Richael - No gap to small no height to high. LSHIFT to shrink down and gain extra jump boost.

We hope you enjoy the game and would love feedback. also let us know how quick you complete the stories and compete in the comments!


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This was a really fun game to play. Really like the art style and platforming you have to do.  Ended up dying on level 6 with because Richael never respawned. Good work!

Cool game with catchy music and nice art. I like the switching character mechanic

Thanks for playing appreciate the comment